AVITO bulletin board clone

To install the bulletin board, follow these steps:

Open the file sql.txt (here are SQL queries for creating tables and dumps of tables
necessary for the script to work), copy its contents, and then in SQL mode paste
it into your database (into an existing one or create a new one).
Open the file .htaccess (at the root) and change the line
ErrorDocument 404 http://your-site.ru/404.php
where instead of your-site.ru you need to substitute the real name of your site
Do the same with the file .htaccess in the m folder (if you have a mobile version)
Open the admin table in the database and enter the login and password (by default
, login – “11” and password – “11” are set) to your own. This must be done!!!
You need this username and password to access the administrative part of the bulletin board.
Login page /admin/index.php or just /admin/
Open the file connect.php and change the following lines:
$database = “”;
$username = “”;
$password = “”;

like that:
$database = “your database name”;
$username = “username in your database”;
$password = “database access password (not to be confused with the password you entered in paragraph 2)”;

Further (If there is a mobile version)
change the lines:

$abs_base=’http://localhost/_avito_new_m/m /’; // this is the address of the MOBILE VERSION
$abs_base_file=’http://localhost/_avito_new_m /’; // this is the address of the DESKTOP VERSION
$default_region_name = ‘Russia’; // Default region name
$default_region_name2 = ‘All over Russia’;

approximately like this

$abs_base=’http://m.your-site.ru /’; // this is the address of the MOBILE VERSION
$abs_base_file=’http://your-site.ru /’; // this is the address of the DESKTOP VERSION
$default_region_name = ‘Moscow’; // Default region name
$default_region_name2 = ‘All over Moscow’;

Note: if items 1,2, 3 have caused you difficulty, just contact the administrator
Your hosting. All this is a matter of 2 minutes, and it is unlikely that he will refuse to help you.

In the task scheduler on your hosting
, set the execution time of scripts from the cron folder
del_capcha.php (every day at 01:00) – deleting temporary files

del_tmp_foto.php (every day at 02:00) – deleting temporary files

del_magazin.php (every day at 11:00, 23:00) – checking the validity of stores. If the expiration date has expired, the store is blocked

del_ob.php (every day at 10:00, 22:00) – checking overdue ads. If the expiration date has expired, the ad is
archived. If the storage period in the archive has expired, the ad is deleted.

del_reclama.php (every day at 09:00, 21:00) – checking the validity of ad blocks. If the expiration date has expired,
the ad blocks become inactive

del_vip.php (every day at 08:00, 20:00) – checking the validity of VIP ads, highlighted ads. If the validity period has expired,
the ads are transferred to the category of regular ads

sitemap.php (every day in 00:30, 06:30, 12:30, 18:30) – a map of recent ads. Note: in this file, in the line
$dir = ‘http://вашсайт.ru /’; http://вашсайт.ru / change to your website address
This script will generate a file /Sitemap.txt (site map)

INTERKASSA Payment Gateway (your-site.ru replace it with the address of your site)
Success URL
Fail URL
Status URL

ROBOKASSA Payment Gateway (your-site.ru replace it with the address of your site)
Success URL
Fail URL
Result URL

SMS billing smscoin.ru (your-site.ru replace it with the address of your site)
Success URL
Fail URL
Result URL

Then open the PAYMENT SYSTEMS page in the admin panel and specify the identification data for the INTERKASS, ROBOCASS and smscoin.ru

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  1. I can’t download it, the VIP asks. How to download for free?

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