How to hack a website. Types of hacking and protection against them

Do you want to know how to hack a website? Or, on the contrary, to find out how you can protect yourself from hacking?


Every day there is a hacking of sites that are deleted or scammers demand a ransom. As they say, the last laugh is the one who makes backup. Some types of attacks will not give you access to the admin panel or hosting, but they can significantly harm the site. Despite the fact that it has become much easier to create a website than it was ten years ago, still not every developer knows how to protect their website. There are many ways to hack a website, let’s figure out what they are and how to protect a website from hacking.

Site Hacking Methods:
SQl Injection
ZeroDay Atack

These are not all methods of hacking the site, but they are the most common. You should never neglect the protection of your site. It is especially worth thinking about this if you have a large project that will sooner or later be subject to attack. Read to the end and find out how to hack a website or protect your project from attacks. How to hack a website – methods and protection against them! The first type of attack, DDOS, it will not give you access to site management, but there is an opportunity to crash the site, which can do a lot of harm. If you have a website with a lot of traffic, then of course you don’t want to lose a few days in vain. Or even positions in search engines.


DDOS is a distributed denial of service attack. A network resource fails as a result of multiple requests to it sent from different points. Usually the attack is organized using botnets. The duration of the site failure depends on the duration of the attack and on your preparation for this type of protection. As a rule, hosting provides DDOS protection, but this does not mean that you can relax. This protection can protect against several thousand requests sent to your site by botnets, and if there are more of them? The best way to protect yourself is to connect CloudFlair. They make it possible to use the resource for free, speed up the loading of the site, and also cache pages. Everything is done in a couple of minutes and does not require material investments.

SQL Injection

SQL Injection – this type of attack is already outdated and it is rarely found anywhere. The bottom line is that a request is sent to the feedback forms, which is not processed in any way and gives the necessary information. For example, write a drop table users query to the comments block, the user table will be cleared. Protection against this type of hacking is simple, it is to use prepared queries. They do not change in any way, but only take arguments. PDO can be used in many languages, never use the SET NAMES argument, use the encoding in the DSN string (the first argument of PDO). It is also worth restricting users’ access to the database. It is also always worth doing a backup of the database so as not to get into an unpleasant situation.


XSS(CSS) – (Cross-Site Scripting) – this type of attack is also carried out through user input. The target of this attack is users, not databases. As a rule, javascript or iFrame is used. With this type of attack, you can intercept a user’s cookie and log into his account without knowing the password and login. This vulnerability is especially dangerous for commercial websites or Internet attacks. Hacking a website without XSS protection is very easy, through the same comments. Protection against XSS attacks can be different, for example, filtering output from user input. It will be easiest to put Twig or Blade, protection against this type of attacks there is competently implemented out of the box.


CSRF – (Cross-Site Request Forgery) is a fairly harmful attack that can harm people. A frame is created and an action that can harm users will take place on the attacked site by clicking in any area. For example, a message may be sent on your behalf to some friend with a request to forward money. It is very easy to protect yourself from CSRF, just add a CSRF token for the form in the place you need. It is saved at the time of the session.

mitm атака


MITM – (Man-In-The-Middle) is a very common type of attack, which probably everyone has already heard about. The essence of the attack is that the man in the middle, who also acts as a hacker, intercepts your packets and replaces them. For example, you send one message to your friend, and it comes already another. How to hack a website using MITM? It’s very simple, which means it’s very easy to protect yourself! It is enough to add SSL or TLS to your site with forced loading of a site with a secure protocol. If the site can be loaded with the HTTP protocol, then it is possible to hack it using MITM

clickjacking attacks что это


Clickjacking – Using a frame that is absolutely transparent, users are redirected to third-party resources. Thus, people do not see it, a button is created that is tied to the cursor and at any click on the site, the action specified by the hacker will occur. There are many ways to protect against this site hacking attack, but the most effective is to use noscript

Brute Force что это

Brute Force – brute force passwords with a given username or email. As a rule, the search is not blind, merged password databases are used. You can easily protect yourself by putting a captcha or setting a limit on the number of incorrect login attempts.

ZeroDay что это

ZeroDay is a zero–day vulnerability. It consists in the fact that a mistake was made after the release and it can be used to hack the site. In order to prevent this from happening to you, always update the technologies used.

Backdoor что это

Backdoor – encrypted scripts are embedded on the site, which individually give access to the resource and, as a rule, they copy themselves so that it is more difficult to get rid of them. Check the code for such scripts, do not install third-party plugins that have not been tested and everything will be fine.

Uploads  – взломать сайт с помощью загрузки файлов можно

Uploads – you can hack a website by downloading files if there is no check for formats and content. Thus, you can upload the script to the avatar and run it on the website using the avatar link. It is required to set a limit on files, as well as to change the size of photos, minimally, but this will no longer allow attackers to exchange text encrypted using steganography.

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