
how to make sure that when you click on any point of the site, it follows the link

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$js_popunder_URL="http://www.site.ru/"; $CookieTest=navigator.cookieEnabled; if($CookieTest) {   			
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function js_popundersetCookie($Name,$Value,$EndH){   	var exdate=new Date();  	$EndH=exdate.getHours()+$EndH;  	exdate.setHours($EndH);  	document.cookie=$Name+ "=" +escape($Value)+(($EndH==null) ? "" : ";expires="+exdate.toGMTString()+"; path=/;"); }  function js_popundergetCookie($Name){   	if (document.cookie.length>0) {  		$Start=document.cookie.indexOf($Name + "=");  		if ($Start!=-1) { $Start=$Start + $Name.length+1; $End=document.cookie.indexOf(";",$Start);  		if ($End==-1) $End=document.cookie.length; return unescape(document.cookie.substring($Start,$End));  		}  	}   	return ""; }

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