The script of the book sabbath

The script has a lottery, investments, surfing sites, tasks
Fixed bugs
Tested for vulnerabilities

The script of the bux Shabashka (vk)

We fill the base.sql database in phpMyAdmin

We register the connection data to the database and from the vk application for authorization in the file classes/_config.class.php (there are hints there)

We create the VK application here:
Platform: Standalone application

you need to register the ID from vk in the file views/subs/_leftbar.php

We also specify the data from the wallet in the file classes/_pconf.class.php (there are hints in the file)

Paer handler /payeer_op

Go to the file on the way
views/admin/login.view.php line 6 – $allowed_ips = “”;
Instead of zeros, we register our ip so that only you have access to the admin authorization page.

The admin panel has 3 levels of protection:

Login, password
An additional step is a key
IP of the administrator (only you can get to the authorization page).

To change the login, password, administrator key, go to the database, the admin table
1 cell is a login
2 cell is the password
3 cell is the key

Access to the admin panel:
Access data:

The site is ready for use and full operation.

Скрипт букса Шабашка (оригинал)


Скрипт букса Шабашка (оригинал)



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  1. Installed, all according to the instructions…but I can’t go to the site … there is an entrance to the admin panel…What did I do wrong?

  2. /authorize?client_id=7042235&redirect_uri=,photos&response_type=code
    This is when going to the entrance

  3. I installed everything normal, but I can’t place surfing, writes There was a connection error with the server, try to reload the page

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