Wheel of Fortune Fruit Farm Module (Not flash)

Download the Wheel of Fortune fruit farm module for free

The Wheel of Fortune game for Fruit Farm (FF) was not created on a flash!

Installation Instructions:

1) Upload files according to dirrictorias
2) Execute a query to the database from the SQL.sql file
4) Open the file.htaccess and insert at the very end

#Wheel of Fortune
RewriteRule ^account/wheel(/?)+$ index.php?menu=account&sel=wheel [L]

5) Open the file pages/_account.php and after

case “farm”: include(“pages/account/_farm.php “); break; // My farm


case “wheel”: include(“pages/account/_wheel.php “); break; // Wheel of Fortune

6) Display a link to the module page in the user menu

<a href=”/account/wheel”>Wheel of Fortune</a>

7) Open the payment processor of your billing system

and after

# Crediting the balance
$serebro = sprintf(“%.4f”, floatval($sonfig_site[“ser_per_wmr”] * $ik_payment_amount) );

$db->Query(“SELECT insert_sum FROM db_users_b WHERE id = ‘{$user_id}’ LIMIT 1”);
$ins_sum = $db->FetchRow();

$serebro = intval($ins_sum <= 0.01) ? ($serebro + ($serebro * 0.55) ) : $serebro;
$add_tree = ( $ik_payment_amount >= 499.99) ? 2 : 0;
$lsb = time();
$to_referer = ($serebro * 0.10);


//We charge tickets
if($ik_payment_amount >= 200 and $ik_payment_amount < 1000) {
$bil = $ik_payment_amount / 200;
$bill = intval($bil);
} elseif ($ik_payment_amount >= 1000 and $ik_payment_amount < 2000) {
$bil = $ik_payment_amount / 200;
$bill = intval($bil) + 1; // if the amount is more than 1000 and less than 2000 rubles, then the bonus is 1 ticket
}elseif ($ik_payment_amount >= 2000) {
$bil = $ik_payment_amount / 200;
$bill = intval($bil) + 3; // if the amount is more than 2000 rubles, then the bonus is 3 tickets
$bill = 0;

then find this line (you may have another one

$db->Query(“UPDATE db_users_b SET money_b = money_b + ‘$serebro’, e_t = e_t + ‘$add_tree’, to_referer = to_referer + ‘$to_referer’, last_sbor = ‘$lsb’, insert_sum = insert_sum + ‘$ik_payment_amount’ WHERE id = ‘{$user_id}'”);

and add this to it
, billet = billet + ‘$bill’

it should turn out something like this

$db->Query(“UPDATE db_users_b SET money_b = money_b + ‘$serebro’, e_t = e_t + ‘$add_tree’, to_referer = to_referer + ‘$to_referer’, last_sbor = ‘$lsb’, insert_sum = insert_sum + ‘$ik_payment_amount’, billet = billet + ‘$bill’ WHERE id = ‘{$user_id}'”);

P.S. Styles are customized individually!

Prize amounts are set up in the file wheel.php





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