Module for FF Wheel of Fortune(Flash)

Download for free  The wheel of fortune module for a fruit farm.
This add-on is a game.

The module is fully operational, without vulnerabilities, correctly configured to work.


1) Upload files according to dirrictorias
2) Execute a query to the database from the db_games_wheel.sql file
4) Open the file.htaccess and insert at the very end

#Wheel of Fortune
RewriteRule ^account/wheel(/?)+$ index.php?menu=account&sel=wheel [L]

5) Open the file pages/_account.php and after

case “farm”: include(“pages/account/_farm.php “); break; // My farm


case “wheel”: include(“pages/account/_wheel.php “); break; // Drum

6) Display a link to the module page in the user menu

<a href=”/account/wheel”>Wheel of Fortune</a>

7) Open the payment processor of your billing system

and after

# Crediting the balance
$serebro = sprintf(“%.4f”, floatval($sonfig_site[“ser_per_wmr”] * $ik_payment_amount) );

$db->Query(“SELECT insert_sum FROM db_users_b WHERE id = ‘{$user_id}’ LIMIT 1”);
$ins_sum = $db->FetchRow();

$serebro = intval($ins_sum <= 0.01) ? ($serebro + ($serebro * 0.55) ) : $serebro;
$add_tree = ( $ik_payment_amount >= 499.99) ? 2 : 0;
$lsb = time();
$to_referer = ($serebro * 0.10);


// We charge tickets
if($ik_payment_amount >= 200 and $ik_payment_amount < 1000) {
$bil = $ik_payment_amount / 200;
$bill = intval($bil);
} elseif ($ik_payment_amount >= 1000 and $ik_payment_amount < 2000) {
$bil = $ik_payment_amount / 200;
$bill = intval($bil) + 1; // if the amount is more than 1000 and less than 2000 rubles, then the bonus is 1 ticket
}elseif ($ik_payment_amount >= 2000) {
$bil = $ik_payment_amount / 200;
$bill = intval($bil) + 3; // if the amount is more than 2000 rubles, then the bonus is 3 tickets
$bill = 0;

then find this line (you may have another one

$db->Query(“UPDATE db_users_b SET money_b = money_b + ‘$serebro’, e_t = e_t + ‘$add_tree’, to_referer = to_referer + ‘$to_referer’, last_sbor = ‘$lsb’, insert_sum = insert_sum + ‘$ik_payment_amount’ WHERE id = ‘{$user_id}'”);

and add this to it
, billet = billet + ‘$bill’

it should turn out something like this

$db->Query(“UPDATE db_users_b SET money_b = money_b + ‘$serebro’, e_t = e_t + ‘$add_tree’, to_referer = to_referer + ‘$to_referer’, last_sbor = ‘$lsb’, insert_sum = insert_sum + ‘$ik_payment_amount’, billet = billet + ‘$bill’ WHERE id = ‘{$user_id}'”);

Prize amounts are set up in the file wheel.php

All the module is installed!




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